Sunday, August 12, 2018

People communication

Personally, I believe that all the young people of my generation were born in a golden age of communication and its technological advances. We are happy to have accessibility within a single click, we can get all the information we want with just being connected to a Wi-Fi network, we can communicate with a loved one no matter how much distance we are, those are the advantages of the modern era in which we live.
Today the day, who is not connected to the network, is more a disadvantage than an advantage, due to the amount of facilities and services that the internet gives you.
However, according to me, especially in terms of information, there is a misuse or erroneous on the part of Internet users. The amount of information on the network is not efficiently used, which could be used profitably for all of us.
I feel that the writing has evolved quickly, also that it is taken hand in hand with the advance of communication. Every time there are more ways to communicate and totally different, writing, sign language, non-verbal communication, paraverbal communication, braille system, etc.
communication and writing are evolving hand in hand, as as a society and part of this world we are modernizing.

Friday, August 10, 2018

The power of my Mind

I think the brain and the mind controls all about a persons. The way of think, to be, to love, to eat, to live the life, to reason out, relate to others, etc.

The different capacities depends of the way brain and mind of worked. For example: someone who likes music or plays an instrument, he knows and his brain to working for sing a song, play the guitar, or anything. The brain and the mind send signals for what mi voice can be sing the song or my hands can play the guitar.

In the university, you learn different ways of work or solve the problems in the tests, exams and laboratory controls. At the moment of confront a problem, the brain and the mind reason so that it can be solved in the fastest, easiest and clearest way possible.

The mind is the set of cognitive faculties that encompass processes such as perception, thought, consciousness, memory, etc. And is located in the brain, specifically in the Hippocampus.
There are different pathologies what can be alter the function of the mind or brain, for example: Antisocial personality disorder, Obsessive compulsive disorder, Dyslexia, Schizophrenia, Self-harm/suicide, etc.

I can help by keeping the brain always functioning and keeping my mind healthy.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Laboratory of general chemistry

The best subject what I had is laboratory of general chemistry. It this is subject of first year of food engineering in the University of Chile, specifically of second semester. If you want take this subject, you have to pass the subjects, general chemistry 1 and laboratory techniques, they are subjects of first semester. Laboratory of general chemistry has a theorical and other practical part. The theorical part to consist of a practical guide, which must be studied and that must be learned because in the practical part, I have to do everything that the guide says.

I like this subject because is a combination of general chemistry 1 and general chemistry 2, in the sense that I had experiments that contained subject matter of the mentioned subjects. And the experiments were very funny, I looked a different colors in the reactions, learned to work in group because the practice part was done in pairs.

 The best thing I did is the practical: “Titulacion”. I think that's the most perfect experiment I did, since I remember not being wrong.
More lately, I like to be assistant of laboratory of general chemistry.